Choosing the Right Realtor for You

Whether you are buying or selling your property, it is imperative that you pair with a realtor that will be beneficial to the success of the transaction. This doesn’t just mean finding someone who will bring you the greatest profit or the lowest buying price. This means finding a partner who understands your unique needs and whose goals align with yours. This means finding a partner to walk you through each step of the process. This means finding a partner who has more interest in maintaining an ongoing, positive relationship than signing the dotted lines.
With over two dozen brokers on staff, Hart & Olive Real Estate excels at matching buyers and sellers to the perfect agent to partner with on the road to success.
Perhaps the most common way to search for the right realtor is via referrals from friends, family, or colleagues. Personal experience is the most efficient way to gain valuable insight into an agent’s expertise, communication style, and personality type. Before collecting referrals, create a list of your own requirements. There are many facets of the client/agent relationship that are overlooked in the interview process. By having a clear list of your own needs, finding the best broker will become much easier.
If referrals are not readily available (perhaps you are relocating), ask several agencies for local testimonials. An outstanding realtor will likely keep in touch with former clients who will be thrilled to offer first-hand feedback. This will give insight into how the entire buying or selling process was performed. Don’t be afraid to ask about experiences that didn’t go well. Knowing what worked and what did not will help build a positive relationship from day one as it sets clear expectations for all parties. If a realtor is found via referrals, it can still be beneficial to collect testimonials from a few other clients before making a final decision.
For those needing a realtor to help sell a property, an excellent marketing strategy is a must. While interviewing agents, ask for specifics when it comes to the promotion of your home. In today’s digital world, a simple yard sign or weekend open house will not be enough. Agents should be well-versed in both online and offline tactics that include social media campaigns, post-worthy photos, and virtual tours. Gone are the days of buyers driving through a variety of neighborhoods to hunt for the perfect property. Today, buyers start online, making it imperative that your product generate lots of digital buzz.
Trust and communication go hand-in-hand and both are critical to forming a successful partnership in real estate transactions. Recognize your own needs first. Do you feel better working with someone who has no limits on availability? What are your limits in waiting for a response? Are you unbothered by waiting for “normal” business hours to trade phone calls? Buying or selling a home is one of the most stressful stages in life. It is important that both the client and agent land on the same page in relation to communication styles. Nothing can cause a relationship to fall apart faster than feeling unheard, uninformed, or misunderstood.
Compatibility counts! Selecting a broker is not unlike speed dating in that it typically happens quickly This means trusting your own instincts throughout a rapid interview process. Look for someone which whom you have a strong rapport. Note how your needs will be met and whether proposed marketing plans are personalized to your goals. Your realtor should understand what you love about your current home and what your hoping to include in your next one. If selling, they should understand your financial goals from the current sale and any future transactions. Your agent will likely be negotiating on your behalf. You should feel confident in how they will advocate for you throughout your relationship.
As in many professions, real estate agents are tasked with gaining several certifications prior to handing out their business cards. Ask for proof of certifications, credentials, and about any professional affiliations. As the housing market is constantly changing, it is imperative that agents stay educated and informed. While experience is often the most helpful factor in developing a great reputation, a commitment to learning shows an ongoing investment in a client base.
Of course, at the finish line of each transaction, commissions will be dispersed. How those funds are allocated should not be a surprise. Commission rates can vary and all parties should be comfortable with the structure prior to embarking on this adventure. For sellers, be wary of asking for a reduced commission rate as it will likely come at the cost of marketing and promotions, which may put the finish line further from sight.
Buying or selling a home is a huge undertaking that can bring loads of stress to the table. Selecting a realtor should not be left to luck but rather through research, interviews, and compatibility. The first step for Hart & Olive Real Estate Group is ensuring that its clients are paired with agents that will work together successfully, making the process as positive as possible.

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